Biodose Tools (Hernández et al. 2023) is an open source project that aims to be a tool to perform all different tests and calculations needed by biological dosimetry laboratories. The app is developed using the R (R Core Team 2022) programming language and Shiny (Chang et al. 2022) as a framework to offer an online, easy-to-use solution. Although the intention is to provide the application as a website, all R routines are available as an R package, which can be downloaded for improvement or personal use.
We also aim to clarify and explain the tests used and to propose those considered most appropriate. Each laboratory in its routine work should choose the most suitable method, but the project aims to reach a consensus that will help us in case of mutual assistance or intercomparisons.
The project is initially developed by RENEB association, but contributions are always welcome.

The online version of this book is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.